Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My word for 2011 is .......

Tis the seaon of New Year's resolutions.  People all over the world are deciding what they are going to do differently in 2011.  Starting January 1st there will be more diets and exercise programs started than any other day of the year.  Well, actually its January 2nd, because the 1st is a holiday and no one starts anything new on a holiday.  How long do those resolutions last?  I don't know about anyone else, but mine lasted about 24 hours.  I was never big on the whole resolution thing.  It was just one more time in my life that I got to prove to myself that I was a disappointment.  So I gave up on resolutions many years ago.

In 2009 I found myself feeling the need to jump on the resolution band wagon again.  Something inside of me was stirring.  I thought it was the need for change, so I looked within and tried to come up with the perfect New Year's resolution.  One that I would follow through on.  One that I could not self-sabotage.  I was coming up empty-handed and the New Year was just around the corner.

Then I started noticing a trend is some of the blogs that I was reading.  These bloggers weren't setting resolutions, they were setting intentions.  They were setting intentions by using just one word.  One word to describe what their New Year was going to bring for them.  Something inside of me started stirring again.  I could do that.  Surely I could pick a word.  One simple word to describe what 2010 was going to bring for me.  My word for 2010 was Shine.  I was going to allow myself to shine.  I was going to live fearlessly and be the shiny person that I was longing to be.  I believe that I did Shine in 2010.  I faced some fears head on and came out victorious.  I have had one of the best years of my 44 years in this life.

So now the time has come to pick another word.  Another word of intention.  Its turning out to be harder than I thought it would be.  I'm struggling to come up with the word that resonates with me.  There are a few that I'm contemplating and I think its going to take looking within and meditating on each word.  I'm going to get a lesson on patience and listening to my heart. 

I'll check back in a few days and let you know what I come up with.  What about you?  Is there a word that you feel connected to?  Instead of a resolution can you set an intention?  Please share your word when you come up with it.

Just my thoughts.


Laura said...

perhaps patience or listening will be your word this year...I'm interested to find out:)

mermaid said...

What a wonderful idea. For some reason, the word 'sacred' or 'divine' is coming up for me. I feel it has something to do with my intention to find the sacred in all things starting with myself.

Jill said...

Laura - Its interesting that you mention listening, because it is on the list. :)

Mermaid - I love those two words for you. What an excellent way to honor the sacred within.

mermaid said...

Thanks for inspiring my last poem.