Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday Shine: The joy of sleeping in

I'm celebrating today.  I'm celebrating something somewhat odd.  Today I woke up pain-free.  Yes, pain-free for the first time in months.  I have suffered with lower back pain in the morning for a couple of years now, and it has been very severe since I developed a bulging lumbar disk.  I am an early riser for 2 reasons.  One, I love the quiet of the early morning.  Two, if I stay in bed past 7 a.m. I suffer from severe back spasms for most of the morning.

Today I slept till 8 am and had NO pain at all.  No lower back spasms or pain radiating down my left leg.  So my Sunday Shine post is dedicated to the gratitude I have in my heart right now.  I wasn't aware how much the pain dimmed my mornings, until I arose without it. 

How did this happen?  I may not have any scientific proof to back my theory up, but I have a feeling that the daily Reiki self-healings have something to do with it.  I don't know if I'll wake tomorrow this way, but it doesn't matter.  Today is the only day I need to focus on, right?

So I leave you this bright, sunshiny day with one of my favorite songs. 

Keep it shiny!

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