The only words she heard were, “Do not be afraid.”
“Afraid of what?”, she asked.
“Fear nothing. Remove the mask that keeps your fear trapped inside. When the mask is gone, so is the fear.”
This is the wisdom received on her journey into the forest. She was called there to be set free. Free from her “self”. Her ego.
She had entered the forest with an overwhelming sense of excitement. When the trail began to close in, she began to doubt that she could continue on. That is when she heard the Spirit of the Forest and it’s words of wisdom.
Still, her fear and self-doubt continued to escalate. Then, like a balloon with too much air, it burst. Relief. Trust. Security. These were the only feelings left when the fear was gone.
She continued on through the forest. She was hearing sounds never before heard, seeing things never before seen. Every sense was awakened and crystal clear. As she continued on, hot, out of breath and sore, peace filled her spirit.
Coming to the end of her journey, she came across a gloriously massive old tree. It seemed familiar to her, though she had never seen this particular tree before. So she laid her hands on the massive trunk and said thank you to the Spirit of the Forest for the lesson she had been offered.
As she drove away, tears of pure joy streamed down her face.
I wrote this at a little roadside eatery/bar in WI. Yes, the woman is me and I experienced all of this. I am still feeling the joy and still feel free from the fear almost 24 hours later.
I'm on my way home now. Stopping off at this cute little coffee shop so that I could post this entry. I look forward to being home, but I have cherished my little time away. I have only been gone overnight, but it has been a life transforming experience. I go home with a renewed spirit. No, I go home with a spirit that feels completely new to me.
I can't wait to see my family again for the first time. Life is good.
Just my thoughts.
Welcome "home". ;)
Wonderfully written. I'm happy that you are so ready and refreshed for your homecoming. We all need those times of self-rejuvenation so we can attempt to be the best that we can be. I do it sometimes in small ways by sitting on my deck for a half hour and relaxing while reading. It gives a jump start to my spirit. Enjoy the 4th!
Getting so much in one day - awesome!
Solitude is the most needed remedy for me most of the time. It's when I can lsiten to the voice that needs to be heard above all the other noise.
Your journey and reflection is beautiful. May you keep this with you. Always.
So very powerful! I read a book by Paolo Choehlo called "Brida"...it's about a woman who has to face her fears...she spends the night in a forest and is comforted by a tree... When I read your post, it could almost be taken right out of this book! If you ever get a chance, pick it up at the library. He also wrote "The Alchemist" one of my all time favorite books!!!
I was away for the 4th and missed some of these , now, older posts…. What a wonderful empowering story. Your struggles and final transformations are told with such heart. and imagery The forest truly has stories to tell. Nature is wise if we but listen. Your photo is full of the wisdom and strength of that ancient tree, you can see it, feel it, hear it… Amazing photo to go along with an amazing Enlightenment of self, of Hope., of Love. By sharing your story, you’ve Enlightened me. Love and Light, Nina P.
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