Today I celebrate Joy. Not a person named Joy. The real thing. That feeling of pure happiness that eludes so many of us. Or should I say that feeling of pure happiness that so many of us won't let in our lives. I have been one of those people.
There was a time, not so long ago, where I was not able to feel Joy. I was pretty sure that I was not supposed to feel joy. I was depressed, I was overweight, I was a single parent with 2 kids, I was married, I had 6 kids, my house was a mess, I was still overweight, blah, blah, blah. The list could go on and on. The point was that I kept Joy at a distance because I didn't believe in my heart and soul that I deserved it.
Today I know that Joy is for anybody. It's not hard to find and it's not hard to spread. My quest for Joy began when I decided that I was going to start listening to my spirit. It hasn't been easy, sometimes I slip back in to old beliefs and behaviors. On average, I would say my days are probably 90% joyful. The other 10% would be those times when the house is a disaster and the kids are seeing who can be the loudest. Or I'm feeling incredibly touched out by Little #6. No one is immune to losing their Joy. The key is to keep the heart open so that Joy can get back in.
I'm still married, I still have 6 kids, my house is still a mess, I'm still overweight. All of the things that used to keep me from Joy, now bring me closer to it. Ok, maybe not being overweight, but I can live with that for now.
I have also learned that spreading Joy is another important piece of living joyfully. When I am able to add a little Joy to someones day, my spirit shines a little brighter. I have been getting more creative about how to spread a little Joy. If I run out of ideas, I can always spread some Joy by simply acting joyful. When I shine, my family and those around me shine. That is spreading Joy.
I am taking part in Joy Rebel Day today. I found out about this over at Awake is Good. I apologize for not knowing how to link to a blog yet. I'm still learning all the tricks to blogging. Awake is Good is in my blogs I follow list. So today I am dedicated to feeling Joy and spreading Joy. We are all being free-spirited at my house. Just hanging out and doing whatever we feel will bring us some Joy. Little #6 is happily running around in her underwear. Little #5 is always joyful, so this is no big deal for her. Little #4 was so excited when I finally said yes he could have a friend over, even though his room is not clean. Little #3 is snickering at funny videos on the computer and sharing them with all of us. Not so Little #2 is kind of grouchy, but he's 17. It is his right to be grouchy. We still love him.
What am I doing today? I am letting all my littles be who they are. I am letting me be the imperfect person that I am. I am cleaning up the kitchen so that my fabulous husband can feel joyful about being in our haven.
So join me today, or better yet, this week and be a Joy Rebel. Let loose and let your spirit shine. Joy is for anybody, and you are anybody.
Just my thoughts.
I love your description of your Joy life-journey. Self-acceptance is mine, one step at a time. Yes! I am also loving your "littles" and all the joy they are experiencing, as well as the joy they bring to you. Hey, who carries about a messy house. Happiness is what counts. :-) Glad you are on board with the Joy Blog Party.
Jill, I do want to join in your Joy Party! You're so right that we should go after each joyful moment and let the mundane, routine fall to the side. All those little smiles and giggles really matter. I get too caught up in housework and tasks during the day. I think I'll make tomorrow a "joy day" for me and my kids. Thanks Jill for giving me this terrific idea:)
I remember that you have a joyful voice. You know, a timber to it, a gift from God. So glad you're using it purposefully.
Little #1 had a serious demon attached to her tonight, but I think we kicked it's ass... LOL. I can teach you how to link to a blog. It's easy and I think that will add to your blogging joy. ;)
Hi Jill,
Joy sure is for anyone and everyone! It's there for all of us...we just have to allow it into our lives. Good for you, in doing that. Moments filled with joy - they're pretty great! A Day (or week) dedicated to this - awesome!!
I love the honesty of this post! I think joy comes easier when we accept our lives. So what if we are not perfect! But I agree with you, my days are about 90% joyful...the kids can drain me too!
Your reflection on joy is so touching. It is really easy to focus on the negative, and feel as if we are always in danger. It takes courage to find joy and return to it again and again. Thank you for trying.
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