Change is hard. To be honest, I have been in and out of a bad mood since Saturday because of changes that I need to make. I don't know if its so much a bad mood, its more of a sad mood. A really dark, sad mood. I am extremely emotional and irritable at the same time. This bad day needs to go away.
Unfortunately I am stuck with it because I have not yet embraced this bad day. I have not yet looked my bad day in the face and said "I know that you're a bad day, and I know what you're trying to do." Normally I would follow that statement up with, "and it's not going to work." However, I am holding on to this bad day. Why would anyone choose to do that? Fear. Fear is what keeps me in this darkness.
My intuition is telling me that I have some changes to make and if I don't make them soon there will be some life-altering consequences. I'm afraid of these changes, and I'm afraid of the potential consequences. Today I battle with which I'm more afraid of. Since I'm stuck in this dark mood, I obviously am more afraid of the changes. Which explains my inability to do anything about it. It also explains this uneasy feeling in my stomach and my lower back & ankle pain and my recurring headaches. It also explains why I can't bring myself to post any comments on the fabulous blogs that I normally follow.
So now I have no other choice, but to go within and let my spirit speak. My ego has a tendency to get in the way of my joy. My ego doesn't want me to speak my truth. I can't be joyful if there are parts of my being that no longer serve me. The spirit says to embrace those parts of my 'self' that help me to shine and to accept that the dark parts exist. Those things that dim my spirit are still a part of who I am, so it is hard to just change. I know that I am light and I am dark. I do not believe that anybody can be all light. So my spirit says to just be. Just be my truest self and the light will always outshine the dark.
The changes that I need to make are an opportunity for me to shine a little brighter. They are a chance for me to get a little further down my path of spiritual awakening. They are a chance for me to live my life joyfully and truthfully.
Change is hard, but not being who I truly long to be is harder. I choose change.
See ya bad day.
Just my thoughts.