Wednesday, December 1, 2010


There are times in my life where I allow myself to escape into a world of fantasy.  Days when the Littles energy level has me overwhelmed.  Or the house being in a state of cluttered chaos is beginning to weigh heavy on my spirit.  Or when having an extra income would be very helpful.  I like to just sit and wonder about how things *could* be.  I don't do this in an "oh, how I wish my life were different" manner.  Its more of a "my life could be different if...." daydream.

Today I find myself wondering how my life could be.  So I'm going to indulge myself and share what I want to do today.  Today my Littles are all grown up and living productive lives in their own separate homes.  They all get along and stay connected with one another.  And every Sunday they come to my house and hang out.

Today my home is a clutter-free and serene environment.  The only toys in the house are for the grandkids to play with when they come over and they are tucked away when they are not in use.  I enjoy sitting in my 4 season porch sipping coffee and watching the birds in my back yard.  There is no tv on during the day.  And in the evenings the lights are low and the only sounds to be heard are peaceful music and conversations with my Mr. Man.

Today I have enough Reiki clients to keep me happily busy.  I am contributing to the income of our household.  I am meeting amazing people and contributing to their healing journeys. 

Its ok that what I want to be doing is far from where I am today.  Its ok to go within and just let myself pretend for a moment.  I don't wish for a different life.  I don't wish I were single and childless.  I used to.  My moments of pretend used to be frequent and I kept it to myself.  I don't have to keep things to myself anymore.  I can ponder a different life and not feel guilt or shame.  Taking the time to indulge in a little harmless make-believe renews my spirit.  It puts a warm glow of peace in my heart when things feel cold and overwhelming.

I live a full and blessed life, but everyone experiences a bit of unrest.  I choose to acknowledge the unrest and and let it have its say.  Now I feel renewed and happily content to continue on with my day.  Complete with unruly Littles, clutter galore and pockets that are emptier than I would prefer.

So go ahead.  Indulge yourself the next time you're feeling stuck or frustrated with where you are in life.  Let it be a little look into where your life could go.  Then embrace your life for what it is right then.  Let your life unfold the way it is meant to.  Happy daydreaming!

Just my thoughts.


Linda Myers said...

That's a nice dream - and it can happen when this time of your life has passed.

I'm there. I can do whatever I want now - and I have many opportunities to choose from.

But what I'd really like is my kids home and about, cluttering and arguing and procrastinating and all the things they do when they're little. They're grown and gone now, and I see them only occasionally.

Isn't that funny? We dream about what don't have.

mermaid said...

It is healthy to envision what you want. Even if it may seem far off, there is a truth even in the daydream, that you want yourself and everyone around you to be happy.

I love your ability to accept more and more of yourself openly and lovingly. I'll bet it shows with your family and clients.

Stacey said...

Glad to hear your business is doing well.

I'm a daydreamer too - my whole life.