Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Love vs Hate

I really hesitate to post this today because of all the political upheaval that is going on right now all over the world, but I listen to my heart and my heart says share your thoughts.  Just to clarify, what I am about to say has absolutely nothing to do with politics or religion. I do not discuss those things here, never have and I probably never will. I do admit that these thoughts are in my head & heart because of the state of the world, however.

I woke up today and my heart felt so heavy. Heavy with disappointment and sadness for all of the hate that is running through the world.  Then the heaviness began to evolve into anger.  I found myself pissed off while driving home from dropping two of my Littles off at school.  I don't understand why so many people hate each other. I happen to embrace a belief that we are all holding the Divne/God/Goddess within ourselves.  How can you hate someone who's soul houses the Divine?  How can so many people believe that we are all children of God, yet hate those children so much?  How can people take the words of God & Jesus & all the other Ascended Masters from days past, and twist those words to justify hating?

It seems so easy to hate each other and so hard to Love and accept each other for the beautiful souls that we all are.  I know that there are horrific, unjustifiable things being done all over the world to innocent people.  I know that there is so much disrespect for Nature and the earth.  I know that there are kids at my childs school who have joined a white supremacy group on Facebook.  Eleven & Twelve year olds who believe that if your skin is not white or you are gay you are scum who don't deserve to be here.  How can this be?

I'm not being naive.  I know that hate has existed since the beginning of time.  I myself, in this lifetime, have judged others because they were not like me.  I know that children hate because their parents have taught them to.  Why else would children stand outside the nations capitol with signs that read, "God hates gays."  Children don't come into this world hating.  They are taught it.  I know that hate will never be completely destroyed and it probably shouldn't be, but how can people NOT see the harm it is doing to our future here on this planet.  How can people look into the eyes of their neighbor and hate them for being the very person that God meant for them to be? 

So my heart is heavy today.  I'm still pissed off, but I refuse to let that anger turn me into one of the haters.  I still have an over abundance of Love in my heart.  I will not fight hate with hate.  I will do what I can to touch the lives of the people near me enough to show them that hate is not the answer.  Love will lead us to the Divine.  Love will fill us up and keep us shining for many lifetimes.  I don't want my Littles to be haters.  I don't want them to even hate the haters.  I want them to know that Love will conquer all.  Their lives can be full and meaningful even if they are surrounded by infectious hate.

From this day forward, I vow to live on the side of Love.  Yes, I said that out loud.  I want to be held accountable.  I want to be reminded that if ever I start to turn on the hate that I vowed to live in the Light.  I am blessed with a beautiful, beautiful family, a home to be safe and warm in and outrageously fantabulous friends.  My life is rich and full, and if I can brighten my family, friends and home, then I can brighten my world.  We are all one.  If I brighten my world you can brighten your world and so on and so on......  Love can conquer all.

I hope that you can join me.  Join me, even if for just one day.  Live in the Light.  Smile at strangers.  Tell the clerk at the gas station to have a beautiful day. If someone looks lost ask them if they need help.  If your precious Little is crying ask them if they need some extra snuggles.  Ask your partners in life if there is anything you could do today to make their day brighter.  Make your world a brighter place.

Just my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I am sending Light to ease some of your heaviness:)
The only answer I know to each and every question you ask is LOVE...love yourself, your God/life force, your family, your friends, nature, your world, all of it....if we all love, the garden blossoms and nothing but good fluorishes...
I appreciate when you share from your heart...such a beautiful cnnection....

Jill said...

Yes, Joy, the answer is Love. Such an easy solution, yet so hard for so many. The Light you send does ease the heaviness. Thank you, dear one.

tomdub_1024 said...

Entirely moving...maybe I won't give up on my task in this life...the middle path trying to unite disparate world views. I may not be strong enough to carry that load, but I can try, one day at a time...

septembermom said...

Your words do fill me with light and love. I need to hear how important it is to let love lead me through my day. I agree with all my heart that you need to be a loving example for your children. It's hard sometimes, but that's the human being I want my children to see.

Thank you for giving so much of yourself to us here. It's a privilege to share this dialogue with you. Hugs :)

Jill said...

Tom - Yes!! One day at a time is all that is necessary. Simple, yet not easy. Keep it shiny!!

Septembermom - I love reading your blog and seeing that you definitely are a loving example to your precious ones. They are blessed.

mermaid said...

Love hate. I think that's what it takes, Jill. Not loving the ill will behind hate, but the closed hearts that need some extra love sometimes in the hopes that maybe, they, too can change.

Your pledge is a powerful one, and I believe that with each step, each hand reaching out to help another, we are making a difference. I hear you loud and clear, and I am reminded once again not to close my heart, even in the most difficult of times.

Thank you.

Jill said...

Thank you, Mermaid. Sharing your thoughts here helps keep my heart open as well.

Silver said...

Motherhood is the toughest job on earth! We all have our joys where nothing can take its place.. whilst other times, we fall flat at our face and just think we are such big flops. Glad there are always sun after rain..


Jill said...

Silver - Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I too, am glad there is always sun after the rain.

Daphne said...

Jill, I'm late to commenting here, but I wanted to say that this is a wonderful post. I will join you in living with love and not with hate. I have tried to remove hate from my vocabulary - I do not hate olives, I simply dislike them. We use the word too freely. I love to increase my awareness of my present by smiling and making eye contact with strangers and by trying to bring more love into the world. Thank you for reminding me how important it is.

Nina said...

When people are angry with one another, they stop listening... someone once said to me to write a letter to the other person. Honestly and without anger...It had to contain 3 things: 1.) what were angry about (honestly and openly, why we were angry with the other person) 2.) What were expectations do you have from the other person? and 3.) What can you (the writer of the letter) do to make the situation better?

We were to read it after we wrote it as if we were the other person reading it... We then had to let the other person read it... We each read what the other wrote...without talking... then we had to write a response with these rules 1.)how we felt about what we read about ourselves from the other persons point of view 2.) what we could do to change ourselves or our actions to resolve this anger... 3.) how can we communicate with the other person to come to an agreement or open up communication towards a path of forgiveness and love...

This exercise was to open communication with another person as well as open our own issues by bringing to light what angers us.. sometimes it is NOT the other individual it is what is inside us that they bring out that angers us....
A lot of the people found out that it was miss-communication and misunderstandings that caused a lot of anger and grief. Sometimes even things in the other person that they didn't like in themselves... (angry with themselves rather than the other person i.e. "I am so closed off and you are so open and free" etc...)
Once you pin point the problem, it's a lot easier to find a solution... Just some thoughts.

Blessings to you and yours dear friend and wonderful loving mother. May you forever be blessed. Love and Light, Nina p

Jill said...

Daphne - It's never too late to comment here. Removing the word hate is a good step and one that I have a hard time doing. You're right, we do use it too freely. Keep on smilin'.