Here I am dancing up a storm on what turned out to be the evening of all evenings. I love this photo, because it really captures the energy of the evening. That energy was happy, joyous and free. We were just a group of beautiful, vibrant ladies out on the town without a care in the world. (I was wearing a tiara, but you couldn't see it in most of the photos from the evening. Note to self: Buy a bigger tiara next year. ;) )

We gathered at my home for a fabulous meal and joyful fellowship. (I'm the one with the gorgeous gray hair that looks like she's not wearing a tiara. Again: Much bigger tiara next year.) The meal was wonderful, with the combined efforts of my dear sister and some dear friends, but the best part was just being together in my home with all of these bright and shining ladies. I felt so comfortable and joyful. These two feelings are not how I usually feel in social situations. How could I not feel this way on that night? All of these women have become a part of who I am now, because I hold a special place in my heart for each of them. I am so honored that they wanted to be a part of an evening that I have often dreamed about, but have never had the confidence to do. I have that confidence now and I have already decided that this event will take place every 2nd Saturday in September. It is my hope that it becomes an evening that people look forward to each year. I am very excited about what the evening will look like in the future.

There is one person missing from the group photo above. The photographer, which is my beautiful sister, Kristy. She is the shiny lady on the left. She has inspired me in so many ways. First with her blog, Stark Raving Zen, then with her decision to leave a career that was slowly killing her, followed by a spiritual transformation that most people will never accomplish in one life time. She has been a constant source of encouragement and has really taught me valuable lessons in living your joy and letting your spirit shine. She lives about 5 minutes from me right now, but is moving to New Mexico in a couple of weeks and I will miss her dearly. I am so excited for the direction that she is going in that I can not be sad.
So I really just want to say a great big thank you to all these beautiful women. You all have made me a better person for knowing you. I also thank all of those out in the blogosphere who danced with me if only in spirit. I could feel your joyful energy that evening.
So when are you going to plan your Little Black Dress Night? When are you going to be a Shiny Dancing Queen?
Just my thoughts.
What a great post, Jill! I can feel the energy of the night through your words, and it's awesome! I'm so glad you did this, and that it was such a resounding success! Here's to many, many more!
I am so glad you shared this with us, Jill, and I loved seeing you in person in your little black dress--which is stunning, by the way. What you are doing with your friends is so empowering. I "danced" this way for many years with an amazing group of women. We called ourselves "The Godivas" and we did lots of wild and wonderful things as we explored and uncovered our truest selves--I love that your version is your "shiny" self! Journeying in this way with these women for many years provided the greatest personal growth I ever experienced. Women coming together can do that, you know! So I bow to you for the big journey you are taking. Carry on in style! Yes, bigger tiara next year. (LOL)
Woot! That sure looked like a lot of fun. So happy for you.
Jay - Thank you. I am looking forward to the future Little Black Dress Nights. That nights energy has stayed with me and I feel that it will be for quite some time.
Jan - "The Godivas", what an awesome name. I would love to be known as The Little Black Dress Society, if it doesn't already exist. That whole night did so much more for me spiritually than I ever could have imagined. I have taken my "shiny-ness" to a newer, deeper level. I think if I had my picture taken that it would glow. I'm going to start saving for that bigger tiara today.
Stacey - I think that you should plan a trip to MN next September and join us. Wouldn't that be a "Woot"?
So wonderful! You look beyond vibrant! I wore my LBD on Saturday to a wedding...such a fun time. Keep on enjoying those glorious moments. And how cool that Stark Raving Zen is your sister! I had no idea...both your blogs are so inspiring to me!
Hi Jill,
How wonderful to see you happy and free and shiny shiny. I wish i lived close to you to join your lovely black dress extravaganza next year. But i ma all inspired to have one of my own. When i do i will surely share the pics and details with you. Your Love and positive energy is growing and growing everyday. Such a pleasure to be part of your wonderful journey.
Lots of love
Oh Jill, what FUN! Thanks so much for sharing that! It makes me want a group of ladies like that to play Little Black Dress night with! Until then, I will live vicariously through yours. Super Idea! In the 90's I was in a group that celebrated Solstice and we had drummings from time to time too. It was delightful!
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