"Let it be a peaceful decision." This was some sage advice I received today from my dear friend M. I find myself once again playing with the idea of taking up homeschooling the Littles. I have a tendency to feel compelled to make huge life-changing decisions when I'm in the middle of an emotional upheaval. I have no idea why I do this, but it has always been a vice of mine. I suppose it was that bully that used to reside inside of me. Who always seemed to make sure that I didn't feel good in my own skin. That bully that used to lead me from person to person in order to find the right answer to my constantly changing life questions. I never used to just listen to what my heart wanted. I didn't trust myself to make decisions. I had to have all of my decisions affirmed and reaffirmed by the people in my life. My decisions were never anything like peaceful.
So when I read those words, "Let it be a peaceful decision", in my friends message today I heard a very quiet voice inside of me say "yes, let it be a peaceful decision." What is a peaceful decision? Peaceful decisions come from the heart. They come from the spirit. There is no anxiety attached to a peaceful decision. A peaceful decision just flows. It just happens.
I know why I want to homeschool again. It's not because the Littles hate school. They are actually happy to be in school. It's not that they hate homework. Sure they complain a bit, but there are no tears falling on their faces. I'm the one who hates school. I'm the one who hates homework. I'm the one who wishes that she could be free from the clutches of the Dept. of Education and their ridiculous standards. I'm the one who hates being in the car 80+ minutes a day driving them to school and home again. I'm the one with tears falling on my face.
It all sounds very selfish and childish, but I have every right to feel the way I do. What I don't have a right to do is make a decision that could possibly harm one or more of my precious Littles. Every decision that is made is followed by consequences. Some of the consequences are good and some could be bad. I used to make decisions with no thought of what the consequences could be for others. As long as I was happy then it was a good choice. I can no longer make those kinds of decisions. Those are not peaceful decisions.
So I will not decide today whether or not the Littles will come home. I will also not try to force a balance that may not be possible. I can just let things flow. I can let things just happen. I will continue on with the things that I dislike, not because I don't deserve to be happy, but because I deserve to decide for myself what will work and what absolutely will not. I know that I may have this aversion to all things schooly because I am still smarting from the drama of Not-So-Little #1 and from losing my sister to 18 hours of highway.
For me to make any decisions right now would be anything but peaceful. Thank you, my dear friend M, for offering your comforting words and for the wisdom that I received. I am blessed to have such wise friends.
Just my thoughts.