I am completely physically and emotionally exhausted. I'm too tired to formulate a thought that would make any sense of what I have experienced today. All I can say right now is that THIS IS HARD!!! My back aches, my head hurts, my eyes are itchy, I can't eat, my mind is flooded with thoughts and plans and re-plans. I'm frustrated because it seems that I'm not getting enough done.
However, as I go out in to my garage and look at the 26 boxes that are ready to be picked up tomorrow for charity, I am filled with so much Divine Light that I can hardly keep my feet on the ground. Being able to let go of all of that clutter is all I need to fill my heart with this Light. I'm still exhausted, but I'm joyfully exhausted. I'm ready to go to bed in my room, which now has two small areas cleared. I'm ready to get up tomorrow and celebrate the release of these objects which have been holding me down. I'm ready to get done what I can and leave the rest for the next day. If I weren't so tired, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep from all this energy that is building inside of me.
So today I have a total of 46 boxes that I have been able to let go of. I can see down my hallway and I won't trip on anything when I get up in the middle of the night. My free spirit, that usually disappears in the evening hours, is hanging out a little longer tonight.
Just my thoughts.
One day at a time... Like I said in my earlier comment, it took my brother and I weeks to clear out my Mom's house. But it got done. I feel the lightness of your spirit now. You are doing great!
'travel light; walk forward.' Two phrases I saw lately and merged them together magically ;) you can do it! I love your page and this blog was beautiful! Every 'loving' step forward will definitely free your spirit, but take time to rest up too! Namaste, blessings to you, ~Jen
Hugs to you, Jill, for persevering and keeping your face toward the Light! Freedom is blooming, can you feel it?!
Letting go is a paradox for in letting go of "things" we open up and fill ourselves our "room" so to speak with unimaginable Light, Love and Hope... Possibilities, Freedoms that never before existed... This "purging"/cleansing is exhausting, yet as you say, "filled with Devine Light". may you continue on your journey filled with New Energy, New Light, New Spirit.... Thank you for sharing this as I now have to also go "de-clutter"....Be gentle with yourself, and I agree, One Day at a Time... I also will add; Let Go and Let God... Love and Light, Nina P.
Caroline - Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I just keep reminding myself that I will only become lighter with each completed room.
Jen - Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Your words were just what I needed to see this morning. Namaste.
Jan - I do feel freedom blooming and right now I am taking Jen's advice and I'm resting up with a nice cup of Zen Green Tea. Thank you.
Nina P. - You speak so beautifully and I appreciate your support. I am being gentle, I am going One Day at a Time, and I am Letting Go and Letting God. Thank you.
You are kind, generous, beautiful, loving, talented, energized, and renewed through the process of sharing your true self with the world. In gratitude for your candidness. Every visitor to this blog is invited to learn things. Found your blog through comments on Megan's blog. Enjoy every moment.
Liara - So glad you found my blog and shared your thoughts here. Thank you for your kind description of me. It is only through this process of sharing my truest self that I am able to be that person.
Congratulations! That's so fantastic!! All those boxes of stuff... all that new space that's opened up. And even more is to come. You're doing it!
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