Sunday, March 2, 2008

One of my babies celebrates a birthday!!!!

Today marks the 16th anniversary of the birth of my oldest son, Zach. As I look back on his birth I am really able to feel the intense love I had for him on the day he was born. He was a precious little (7 lbs 5 ounces) creation. His short time on this earth has not been easy. He has had struggles that no one should have to deal with, but that many do. An emotionally distant mother for most of his childhood, mom and dad never married, below poverty living, getting used to a step-dad, struggles with fitting in at school, overdose a few years ago which lead to some time spent in a juvenile mental health ward. Through all of this he has become quite the young man. I know that he still struggles, but he is an old soul and seems like he is 16 going on 40. He has such passion for things. He is a gifted musician. When he plays the guitar for me I see the light that it gives him. And it is a gift that he gives me as well. I feel so proud of his ability and determination to be the best musician he can be. If everyone could put so much into what they feel is their passion the world would be a better place.

So, thank you Zach. For making my world a better place and showing me that I need to find my passion.

Just my thoughts.
